Spring Auction 2025

Sunday April 27, 2025

Download Seller Sheet
Freshwater Fish Live and Prepared Food
Shrimp Equipment and Supplies
Live Plants Aquariums

Pipefitters Union Hall Local 120

6305 Halle Dr, Cleveland, OH 44125

Doors open at 9:00 AM

Seller Registration ends at 12:00 PM.

Auction starts at 11:00 AM

Easy Access from I-480/I-77

ONLY 2.3 miles (5 minutes) from I-77/Rockside

Cash and Credit Cards accepted.

Questions? Contact:

Thomas: 406-750-6533 | tommyfrasz@gmail.com

Andy: 440-309-7129 |  andykurowski@gmail.com


Seller's Split is 70% to Non Members and 75% to Members

Bags or items that sell for $1.00, the split will be 0% seller, 100% NEOfish. Items that do not sell become property of NEOfish, and the seller will not receive any money for the item.

The auction uses a 3 color dot system. The first color is announced prior to the start of the auction. Fish received after  a color is selected will not be auctioned during that color round or will be labeled by NEOfish.

All bags must be labeled using the club's supplied labels. All labels include a barcode. Sellers can order in advance with that feature their name, phone number, and email address. Generic labels without seller info will be available the day of the auction. To order labels prior to the auction contact Thomas: 406-750-6533 tommyfrasz@gmail.com.

All bags MUST be clearly marked with the scientific name of the fish or common name (if applicable), and number of fish in the bag. Appropriate terminology must be used: Pair = 1 male, 1 female of same species. Trio = 1 male, and 2 female of the same species. Mated Pair = pair that have spawned. Reverse Trio = 2 males and 1 female of the same species. Unsexed = sex unknown.

NEOfish reserves the right to refuse any fish that is under the 1" in size unless the fish only grows to be a 1" adult. Those fish with max size of 1" will be accepted at 1/2" size. NEOfish reserves the right to refuse selling any fish that are obviously sick or deformed, as well as items that are defective including broken aquariums and lights.

All fish must be in a suitable bag or bucket. Sellers will be charged $2 for any fish that require rebagging due to a death in the bag or the fish are in distress due to lack of oxygen or ammonia.

Seller's are limited to 5 bags of any species or color/fin type, plants, or item type. All dry good equipment should be in working order. No open food, expired medications, leaking aquariums will be permitted. Only 5 dry items (dry good bags and/or tank setups) allowed per seller. Once entered in the auction, a seller may not remove an item.

Runner Slips will not be used at this auction. Buyers should record the selling price on their Auction Number sign.

No private sales. No items will be placed back for rebid. All sales final.

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