- The Fiscal Year of the Club shall be from January 1 to December 31, inclusive
- The procedure for joining the Club shall be:
- Applicant must fill out the application/survey form.
- Pay the appropriate dues.
- There shall be two classes of membership in the Club defined below.
- Member – Any person who wishes to participate in the activities of this Club.
- Family – Any family who wishes to participate in the activities of this Club. The only difference is that the one vote gives to a family can be cast by any member of the immediate family over 15 years of age. Members of the family under 15 years of age can vote with written permission from their parent(s).
- All committee records are the property of the Club and are required to be surrendered at the end of the term or at dissolvement of the chair.
- All committee chairs will dissolve at the annual business meeting or discharged after their duties are complete or at the discretion of the President.
- Committee chairs shall report to Board of -Directors after each committee meeting with a summary report.
- All funds and expenditures shall be accountable and submitted to the Treasurer.
- A list of all club equipment and supplies shall be submitted to the Treasurer upon request and at the annual business meeting.
- For the first year, 2013, all positions will last until the end of 2014.
- In October, a Nominating Committee shall be set up consisting of three members in good standing appointed by the Vice President.
- The Nominating Committee shall determine who is able and willing to serve in the various offices and shall formulate a list of Nominees for presentation at the November general meeting.
- Any member in good standing shall be entitled to nominate additional candidates for any office from the floor in December.
- The list of candidates shall be published in the newsletter prior to the December election.
- Those elected to the various offices at the Annual Business Meeting in December shall prepare themselves for and be installed in their respective offices at the following monthly business meeting.
- The Dues of the Club shall be as follows: Email version of the monthly bulletin $15.00 per year. Each member has one membership vote. The dues for Charter Members will not go up but remain at the $10 level.
- Family membership is offered at $20 per year. A family membership only has one vote. Family membership allows you to transfer that vote to any member of their family. If you want two members of your family to each to have a vote you would purchase two memberships. Family memberships have all of the other limits (i.e. bag limits) as a single membership.
- Dues shall be renewed yearly.
- Only those members whose dues are fully paid up or remitted shall be considered in good standing and be entitled to vote or hold Office.
- If additional funds are needed, voluntary offerings may be taken up, or any other proper means for fundraising may be used; however, no per capita assessments or loans may be made.
- The books of the Treasurer shall be audited annually at the January Board meeting by the BOD.
- Prior to each Annual Business Meeting, the books of the Treasurer shall be audited and certified by the Vice President and two other members chosen by the President, one of which is a Board Member and one from the general membership.
- Newsletter advertisement shall be standard business card size at a cost of $30.00 per year for 12 issues, $50.00 per half page, $100 per full page
- Operating expenses for committees shall be approved by the Board of Directors. $25 without Board Approval
- Committees begin at zero funds, at the fiscal start. All funds go to a general fund at fiscal year-end.
- Club Dollars can be issued by the club through the various committees with the prior approval of the BOD. These can be used for awards such as door prizes, Bowl show winners, etc. Club dollars can be used for anything the club is involved with such as payment for items or food at the Auction, Food at the meeting, Raffle tickets (50/50, Manufacturer goods), and annual membership dues.
- These By-Laws may be amended only as follows:
- The proposed amendment must be presented to the Board of Directors, in writing, by five members in good standing.
- Following approval of the Board of Directors, it shall be read at the next meeting, published in the Newsletter, and voted on at the following general meeting.
- The affirmative vote of two-thirds of those members in good standing who are present and voting shall be required to adopt an amendment to these By-Laws.