To encourage members of the Northeast Ohio Fish Club to breed fish.
To share information concerning their spawning and raising.
To make available to the hobby a wider variety of fishes.
To recognize achievements by members concerning the breeding of fishes.
To promote greater participation by members in the activities and programs of the Northeast Ohio Fish Club.
Administration of Committee
The BAP committee will consist of a BAP Chairperson and 1 or 2 additional members to help administer the program.
The BAP Chairperson shall set up and maintain a record system, paper and website, that will contain all pertinent data along with a file of spawning reports that were submitted. The BAP Chairperson shall be responsible for preparation and presentation of awards and the submission of information to the Editor and Web person for publication.
The BAP Chairperson will also be responsible for the placement of fishes into point classifications and shall maintain a list of those classifications. From time to time or yearly, it may be necessary to reclassify certain fishes. In that case all fishes previously reported shall receive the current point value. Should a fish point be lowered, the points previously awarded shall not be lowered.
The BAP Chairperson shall keep a record of participating members point totals to be published in the bulletin and website.
All decisions of the BAP Committee relative to this committee shall be final and binding.
General BAP Rules
Participants must be NEOFISH members in good standing.
All fish entered by a member into the BAP must be conditioned and maintained in the members own tank. The breeding of the fish and raising of the fry must be done in the same manner.
Points will be assigned in the name of the couple (Jim and Mary Doe) or an individual (Jim Doe)
In order to be credited with spawning any species, the member must spawn and rear to at least 60 days of age at least 3 to 6 fry, depending on the class of fish. The fry shall be presented at the first general meeting following their having reached 60 days of age, except where special rules apply.
In order to defray the cost of awards, all fish auctioned for more than $5.00, the club will receive $1.00.
All spawning reports must be submitted upon approved BAP forms and turned over to the BAP Chairperson who will verify.
In all classes, the date of spawning shall be considered to be the date the eggs hatch and the date of birth for livebearers.
Hybrids of any type are not allowed. The exception will be domestic livebearer strains.
The BAP Chairman reserves the right to modify any of the above, but must meet with the NEOFISH board prior to said changes.